The 17th of April 2021 was a day of celebration to mark the Zimbabwean Independence Day.  At this event, ZRSLT was showcased to the public and we were given an opportunity to fundraise.  Charles Chindove spoke briefly to the history of ZRSLT and its objectives to raise public awareness.  Thank you to Faustinah Ndlovu who generously donated four paintings to sell and Cashias Gumbo (a member of the ZimCanterbury committee) who donated small Zimbabwean flags.   A raffle was held for a ZRSLT music album which was won by Cleo Chisaka.  Thank you to Godsave Mafoche for assisting ZRSLT with the raffle sales and draw.  The total funds raised was $248.80.  Thank you to everyone who generously donated.

Welcome to Godsave Mafoche who has committed to helping ZRSLT in its cause.  Many attendees of the Zimbabwean Independence Day celebration expressed interest in supporting the trust either financially or through volunteering.  We will follow up with those individuals.

Thank you to the public of Christchurch for attending the event and for your support of ZRSLT.